Here's a shot of Zordon.
Here's a shot of the Rangers by the Control Console in the Power Chamber.
Here's another shot of Zordon.
Here's another shot of the Rangers by the Control Console.
Here's a shot of the Rangers by the Control Console.
Here's 2 shots of Alpha 5.

Here's 2 shots of Serpentera in new footage.

Here's 2 shots of Rita and Zedd's Minions in the backroom of Serpentera.

Here's a shot of the Power Chamber's alarm going off.
Here's a shot of the Zeonizers.
Here's a shot of the 5 Zeo Rangers.
Here's a shot of the Rangers looking at their old suits in the cases behind them.
Here's a shot of Kat, morphed but helmetless.
Here's a shot of Kimberly and Kat's old Mighty Morphin suit in the case.
Here's a shot of the case with the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger suit in it.
Here's a shot of the Black and Red Mighty Morphin Ranger suits in the cases.
Here's a shot of the 5 Rangers, already morphed but helmetless.
Here's a shot of the new Morphing Sequences.



Here's a shot of a Cog in new footage.
Here's a shot of Zeo Ranger 5, Red kicking a Cog in new footage.
Here's a shot of the Pink Zeo Ranger fighting Cogs in new footage with the Green Ranger fighting up high.
Here's a shot of t he Yellow Ranger fighting Cogs in new footage.